Recently, things have gotten very BUSY, people staying over, house issues to fix, school transfers (public school to Montessori for Bella), new responsibilities, a paper to prepare for, and classes to start (2 that I am actually teaching, and this is outside of work) etc. I am getting tired.
The "teaching of classes" is getting a bit daunting, as one of them starts tomorrow morning and the otherin a few weeks. Part of my struggle lies in learning how to teach children and find the unique potential "gems" in each child and enable them to help see themselves as special, unique beautiful individuals that can be empowered to take decisions that assist others and themselves. This is particularly challenging when this society does not recognize that spiritual education and moral leadership is as essential as reading, writing and math. There are no "exams" or school ratings based on how they teach values in humanity or diversity training, multi-cultural respect, service to others etc.
A recent initiative by the global communities of the Bahais is to multiply these "spiritual education" classes in as many places as possible, so that all children are educated in this light, regardless of religion, creed, economics or politics. It is a wonderful initiative and I am proud to be a part of it in coordinating growing classes in our "central jersey" area.
Around the world, I have read stories from Columbia, Russia, UK, Senegal and even Nicaragua (HI BRAD AND CYN!!) that have inspired me where these initiatives have been successful, and children and parents realized that these classes actually impacted the way their kids acted on a day to day basis...for the better.
So, back to my little goal for Hillsborough NJ.
We decided to launch locally (from our home) a class called "Raising Peacemakers" a Bahai inspired conflict resolution class which has been modified by a great resource called Ruhi Book 3 "Teaching Children's Classes". The class materials are great, and includes art, music, stories and inspiring quotes so I am assuming, with a little luck the class will be fun, and an attractive learning experience for children from our neighborhood. The class will hopefully provide practical measures that children elementary school aged (from 5-10) can take and apply in the playground, at school etc. to assist them in becoming learning how to act like moral leaders. One practical example is sharing with others, preventing bullying, realizing that not getting your way is really okay...etc.
We hope to get enough interest to actually sustain a class. We will be launching it here in a few weeks. The results will be interesting. (Stay tuned)
Anyway, I am also preparing for a Bahai education school that starts tomorrow morning in Somerset (and kind of I am delaying preparing by writing this blog entry) I had to listen to something that might help me find more inspiration and found a great song by MERZ that hits the point perfectly... (go to for a download, or ITUNES for more great stuff from them)
teacher teacher do us a favour
not sure we are getting any cleverer
the kind of knowledge taught to us at school
be the death of me and the death of you
take a look at what is happening to
the children of us just look at what they do
we need a mystic transformation
to spread over our nation
trip of the time is that we're not all here
all messages collide into an oval sphere
there's something in there there's something without
dreams are reality that's what times about
all of natures not natural i love you then i don't
i'll be there when you need me but then again i won't
how did it happen? who can he be?
if life is worth living then show me
philosophy's recycled does that make it green?
does waste apply to our thoughts when we dream
lets deeds not words be your adorning
lets deeds not words be you
need a mystic transformation
to spread over our nation
everything you know is wrong i saw that on a sign
i thought that sign's clever i'll make it mine
search should be a sport in the Olympics
people shouldn't have to spend their lives jumping into sandpits
reflection should be our conversation at times
just sit there and listen as time drifts by
there are hidden gems of knowledge stored in our minds
and education can bring out what's inside
we can create we can administrate
we can live our lives in a film script state
it's within human power to let the force shower us
with it's bounties and blessings it's features and lessons
i don't have to spell things out in black and white
cos it's not a jam jar storage kind of life
for the benefit of those who say i've got mine
there's something out there it's moving
it's leaving you behind
teacher teacher do us a favour
i'm not sure we are getting any cleverer
kind of knowledge taught to us at school
be the death of me and the death of you
take a look at what is happening to
the children of us just look at what they do
we need a mystic transformation
to spread over our nation
(I'll settle for this area of NJ)
PS: Oh and by the way, if anyone who reads this have started similar children classes in their area, please share any hints, help and feedback you have gotten. I would love to hear...