Thursday, December 01, 2005

patience and faith

So my story in my last post was written by me because I was finding myself frustrated around things I cannot control, annoyed about waiting for time to pass for certain things to happen, insecure around the unknown, yet not able to quench my longing with anything. After thinking about it (while on my treadmill, good things come to those who exercise :) ) I realized that sometimes patience is the only recipe to get to the end point. Having faith is sometimes that catalyst to jump across the bridge...while not knowing what is on the other side.

I thought about whether there is any way to illustrate the magic that faith and patience can bring...and hence the story of Huang and Liu around silk. The two characters were actually the people to have discovered the silk making process and so I thought their names would be suited well for the story.

I hope it illustrates why patience and faith is a good thing, a necessary thing and at the end of the day maybe the reason why great things can happen.

So the story is dedicated to my friends and family who also find it hard to wait for the right thing to come along, the book to get completed, the relationships to get better and the opportunities to arise.

"The steed of this Valley is patience; without patience the wayfarer on this journey will reach nowhere and attain no goal. Nor should he ever be downhearted; if he strive for a hundred thousand years and yet fail to behold the beauty of the Friend, he should not falter...In Our ways will We guide them."
(From the Valley of Search written by Baha'u'llah in the Seven Valleys...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the much needed advice on patience! Love, Nay.