Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Other blogs to watch for

When I blog, I write about things that I feel are "relevant" to my life. For those who read the blog, I hope to provide some insight on my personal life, my worldly view and maybe once in a while provide people with a new or fresh perspective on things. For my close friends (and family) who I don't see often enough, mostly because they reside all over the world, I hope to give them a sense of "me" without the need for the phone call or personal email.

I read two blogs the other day that gave me pause and made me smile.

The first was reading a newbie blogger, a soon to be high school senior who is setting her sights on becoming a worthy journalist one day. Her blog has just begun and is likely the first of a million entries authored by her pen (or shall we say keyboard??). It is so exciting to see her record her thoughts and share those thoughts to others. She is is a unique girl who is wise beyond her age, with a heart of a shy soul who is longing to open her wings.

In the past year she has been our babysitter, one who has brought lots of joy to Bella and Alec and have calmed them into happily and contently having a smile even while Pieter and I leave the house to go enjoy the "outside" sans kids. I am proud of her courage to open her heart to write...I look forward to much more. Check out and enjoy...

The other blog is my best friend's, my co-traveler on this plane of existence (and the next), and husband Pieter Bas. He started his own website/blog/dialogue page a few months ago, and it actually has lots of components, some blog like, some descriptive, and others reflections of his multifaceted character (woodworking and web design anyone?) He is in the midst of writing a book and I am so excited for myself and the world to see the culmination of all his efforts. His latest entry was eloquent, incredibly well written and has proven to me that his words will an amazing force to be dealt with...

I am so lucky that I can say he is mine. Love rocks. Check him out at:

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