Friday, March 02, 2007

Ayyam-i-Ha children's story...

What is the best way to explain to Isabella that Ayyam-I-Ha is a great holiday and that she should be proud of this time of gift giving and sharing and preparation for the upcoming Fast? Well, this year, it was a little hard because as a six year old, now she tells her friends about it, which is great except this year, no one believed her. She 1st mentioned it around Christmastime and since then when she descibed that she got usually at least 1 gift per day for 4-5 days before March, they just figured she was confused. So this year, we thought we try to change that.

"Remembering Isabella's Ayyam-I-Ha" created by illustrations made by Bella (12 of them) and set to a short story describes that Bella was having a hard time explaining and convincing her classmates that this holiday existed. Each child was convinced that she "must" have been thinking about their holiday, Christmas, Eid, Diwali, Hannukah etc. Instead of staying sad, Isabella asked her mommy to explain to her friends what this holiday was, and why we celebrate it...
With book in hand, gifts in a bag, and goodies to share, we brought this to her school yesterday and shared this story with ALL of her classmates from her entire school. It was a lot of fun reading it to each class and hearing many of Isabella's friends wish her a wonderful Ayyam-i-Ha. Finally, they will now NOT forget, and in the process learn about this new time of year for Baha'is all over the world...


Leif Nabil said...

Wow, Nishat!! That is so awesome!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea! It seems there is more than one author in your talented family! ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Nisha! Is there a way to see the book? I am looking for a story to read to my son’s class :) thank you!

nishat said...

Hi Hoda! The link to the story is here
Let me know if you still cannot access it