Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Another point of inspiration...Cape of Good Hope

Check out the new movie by Mark Bamford, a Bahai who went to South Africa with his wife and 2 children who created a wonderful story about love, humanity, diversity and inspiration...Some positive results on using the arts towards spreading an important message with love.

This is what I call inspiring.

This movie has ALREADY won awards, and has been reviewed as a great film (including New York Times, New York Observer...see below)

Laura Kern of the New York Times reviews Cape of Good Hope:
"...a genuine uplift of a film that even the most diehard cynics will find hard to resist... Though issues of race, immigration and gender politics are ever so tactfully present, Mr. Bamford never force-feeds lectures or clichés. Instead, he admirably adheres to his primary objective of concentrating on his large cast of compelling and utterly believable characters. Witnessing Kate thaw out is just one of the many pleasures this satisfying and memorable film has to offer."

Ken Fox of TV Guide reviews Cape of Good Hope:

"Director Mark Bamford's sweet-natured ensemble film doesn't shy away from addressing issues of racism - both black and white... but integrates them into tightly woven stories about ordinary people doing the best to live their lives, raise their children and do a little good when the opportunity arises."

Deardra Shuler of The Black World Today reviews Cape of Good Hope:

"CAPE OF GOOD HOPE is a must see movie that will have audiences leaving the theater feeling positive about who we are and can be as human beings. Go see it!"

Coming to a theatre near you...(I'll be in line) for more information and to see the trailer, go to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo. Go Bamfords!