Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hibernation Day?

It was Hibernation Day at Bella's school today. What did that mean? She had to wear pajamas to school. But, as a busy working rush around Mom, I had no idea that it was today. It was in the far corners of my mind, but definitely not in my thoughts this morning. So as I pulled up to school, we were about to enter the building, when our friend Nancy (who brings her daughter to school) said "Hi Nishat, everyone is in pjs today!" My first thought was, was her SUV filled with her kids in PJ's?? So I looked very confused, and she clarified...It was hibernation day today.


"Mommy...(sniff sniff) why did you put my clothes out today ?? (tears flooding her face)... I dont have pajamas!!!!" she slowly but surely cried and required some serious tissue to clean up the mess that was made on her cold congested crying nose...

This was my mistake. Although I did attempt hopelessly to use logic and justify the fact that it was way too cold to wear PJS when it was winter outside, it was to no avail. As I walked in class, I realized and remembered the sometimes akward insecure feelings when I was in school and I really disliked ever being the odd one out.

So, with determined resolve, I called work that I'd be late, drove back home and brought her the pajamas. When i arrived, she asked me whether I brought the pajamas SHE really wanted...i.e. The Hello Kitty ones.

I had...and the most wonderful hugest smile lit up her face. "Thanks Mommy"

Sometimes, it means more to me to do the little things that may be little in context, but huge in someone elses eyes. That was a good moment.

By the way, I have been checking out a cool group out of Holland that focuses on Brazillian music with a semi Persian lead singer who is also a very cool beautiful person that Pieter and I know from the Dutch Bahai Community. Funky diverse eh?? Anyway, check out their site for cool sounds from


Anonymous said...

you did the only right thing a mom could do, NIshat.

hugs and kisses, from overseas "oma" in pj's, because she couldn't sleep and while sipping her "anijsmelk' is reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nish, just thought you guys might enjoy watching a film called "In America", about an Irish family who moves to America. If you haven't seen it yet, rent the dvd. I am sure you will love it. Bye- Nay.

nishat said...

Thanks Nay, will do. In fact, I added it to my "to be rented" queue. I'll let you know after I see it!! Happy holidays to you in Holland!!

(Gelukkig nieuwe jaar...)